Monday, July 28, 2014

Whats in My Backpack (and should be in yours too)

There are certain goods that just make life in the mountains better., every year I take out and add in what I think is the essential gear for everyday life here. Here's what I have on me at all times right now.

1. Cammalback: A. Its super easy to get dehydrated, especially if you aren't from around here. And even if you are from here, you probably don't drink enough water, so get a cammalback and drink more water, its healthy I promise. But honestly the reason I love my cammalback is not for the hydration factor but that it hols all my other important crap that I need near me at all times, like:

2. A headlamp: Cheap & lightweight a headlamp is essential for mountain livin'. You may need this while biking or walking home from the bar at night. Maybe you want to take a nightime hike. And everyoine knows you cant go camping without one.

3. A raincoat: Mine fits into a tiny little bag that i shove in the bottom of my backpack. You never know up here what the weater will do, and often it rains on me for a good 10 mins randomly in the middle of a hike. I love having this handy little thing that I got at REI for only $50

4.Sunscreen: I always keep Alba Botanica in my backpack, but any sunscreen will do. I know that they say the sunscreen is bad for you, and I get that, but in this altitude I think its necessary.

5. Kind Bar: This one might be personal, but i don't like to go anywhere without a snack, especially not long hikes. Kind bars are a great healthy snack that doesn't go bad if you leave it in your bag for long periods of time.

I also keep a small pocket knife, and some cash for beer after a hike... What do you keep in your pack?

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